How To Get Rid Of Above Ground Tree Roots

Large, beautiful trees sometimes come with a downside. Sometimes the roots of these large trees are forced upwards in order to find proper air and moisture. This usually occurs when the trees are planted in an area with heavily compacted or heavy clay soils. Above ground roots are not only an eye sore, they can begin to kill your grass, crack sidewalks and driveways, seep into your septic tank system while searching for water among many other problems.

So the question remains…

How can I get rid of these above ground roots without killing my tree?

There are a TON of factors that go into root pruning including:

  • Location of the tree

  • Health

  • Time of year

  • Age

And these are just a few factors that will determine how well your tree will take a root pruning. However, there is never a guarantee that pruning back roots wont harm or kill your tree eventually. It is best to have a certified Arborist in Grayson come out to your home and evaluate the health risk of your trees before getting started on root pruning in Grayson.

A few tips for root pruning your trees if you decide to try a DIY on a smaller project:

  • Never remove more than 20% of the roots as this will almost guarantee a decline.

  • Wait 2-3 years between root prunings for the tree to recover.

  • Spring/Winter are the best time of year to perform root pruning.

  • Never prune roots that are over 2 inches wide.

After performing a root pruning DIY, be sure to keep an eye on your tree for any yellow leaves, leaf drop, bark peel, fungus, etc. If you notice any sign of disease or tree decline in Grayson, give us a call immediately for an Arborist evaluation on your trees!

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North American Tree Service

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