Do Bagworm Caterpillars Harm My Trees?


Bagworm caterpillars are rarely seen but always leave behind these unappealing spindle shaped bags hanging from the twigs and limbs of your trees.

They are most often seen on specific specimens such as juniper, pine, cedar and arborvitae but they have been known to divert from those species from time to time.

The bags you see hold over 300 eggs in them throughout winter for a may hatch. This bag provides as protection as well as a means for feeding when the eggs are in this stage. As the eggs grow, the bag enlarges and tends to defoliate the surrounding leaves of your tree.

Do bagworms harm my tree?

The biggest question is while all this feeding and defoliation is occurring, how much damage is being done to your beloved trees? Well, the answer is more complex and varies due to the health of the tree they are infesting.

If your infested tree has any type of health issue like:

  • drought

  • dead limbs

  • extreme leaf drop

  • defoliation

This can be an indication that the tree will not be able to tolerate any more stress and might lead to its death unless consulted by a certified Arborist in Athens. If your trees are declining, to be sure it is always best to call a certified arborist to your property to assess the health of your trees.

How do I control a bagworm infestation?

If you have a small infestation of bagworms on your trees in Athens, you might find it easiest to hand pick the bagworms from the trees and dispose of them. If you have a larger issue, you will need a specific type of insecticide to get rid of the bagworms. Certified arborists in Athens are able to come to your home and spray your trees with the proper insecticide to save your trees!

Still have questions or need help with bugs and pests on your trees? Give us a call for a free estimate by a certified Arborist in Athens today!

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North American Tree Service

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