Tree Care Amanda Geary Tree Care Amanda Geary

Japanese Maple Problems, Pests and Diseases

Have you noticed that your beloved Japanese maple tree is not looking its best? It could be facing a variety of problems, including pests and diseases that can wreak havoc on its health and beauty. In this article, we will explore common issues that Japanese maple trees face and provide tips on how to identify and treat them.

Common pests affecting Japanese maple trees

Japanese maple trees are susceptible to a range of pests that can cause damage to their leaves and bark. These pests include:

  • Aphids

  • Scale insects

  • Spider mites.

Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that feed on the sap of plants. They can be easily identified by their pear-shaped bodies and the sticky residue they leave behind, known as honeydew. To prevent aphid infestations, it is important to keep your maple tree well-maintained and free from debris. Pruning any affected branches and using organic insecticidal soap can help control aphids and prevent them from spreading to other parts of the tree.

Scale insects are another common pest that can infest Japanese maple trees. These tiny insects attach themselves to the leaves and stems of the tree, sucking out its sap and causing damage. Signs of scale infestation include yellowing leaves, sticky residue, and black sooty mold. To get rid of scale insects, you can use horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to suffocate and kill them. Regularly inspecting your tree and removing any scales manually can also help prevent infestations.

Spider mites are tiny pests that are barely visible to the naked eye. They feed on the sap of the leaves, causing them to turn yellow and eventually die. To control spider mites, you can use a strong blast of water to dislodge them from the leaves. Additionally, introducing natural predators, such as ladybugs, can help keep the spider mite population in check.

Japanese maple tree diseases and their management

The most commonly sees diseases on Japanese Maple trees are:

  • Powdery Mildew

  • Verticillium Wilt

  • Anthracnose

  • Leaf Spot

Apart from powdery mildew and verticillium wilt, Japanese maple trees can be susceptible to other diseases such as anthracnose. Anthracnose is a fungal disease that causes dark, sunken lesions on the leaves, stems, and branches. Fungicides and proper sanitation practices can help manage anthracnose and prevent it from spreading to other trees.

Another common disease that affects Japanese maple trees is leaf spot. Leaf spot is caused by various fungi and bacteria and manifests as small, dark spots on the leaves. Regular arborist inspections on your trees and promptly removing any infected leaves can help prevent the spread of leaf spot.

Tips for maintaining the health of Japanese maple trees

To ensure the long-term health and vitality of your Japanese maple tree, there are several tips you can follow:

  1. Provide adequate sunlight: Japanese maple trees thrive in partial shade, so make sure to plant them in an area where they receive dappled sunlight throughout the day.

  2. Water properly: Japanese maple trees prefer moist, well-drained soil. Avoid over-watering, as it can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases.

  3. Mulch around the base: Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of your maple tree can help retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weed growth.

  4. Regular pruning: Pruning your tree regularly can help remove dead or diseased branches, improve air circulation, and promote healthy growth.

  5. Fertilize appropriately: Japanese maple trees have specific nutrient requirements. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer formulated for maple trees to provide the necessary nutrients without over-stimulating growth.

Japanese maple tree care and maintenance

In addition to following the tips mentioned above, regular care and maintenance are crucial for the health and longevity of your Japanese maple tree. Here are a few additional steps you can take:

  1. Regularly inspect your tree for signs of pests or diseases. Early detection can help prevent the spread of infestations or diseases. We recommend having annual arborist consultations on your trees to keep them happy, healthy and thriving for years to come.

  2. Remove any fallen leaves or debris from around the tree to prevent the buildup of pests and diseases.

  3. Protect your tree from extreme weather conditions, such as strong winds or heavy snowfall, by providing support or shelter when necessary.

  4. Monitor the soil moisture levels and adjust your watering schedule accordingly, especially during hot and dry periods.

  5. Consider consulting with a professional arborist for proper tree care and maintenance, especially if you are unsure about specific issues or treatments.

Japanese maple trees are prized for their beauty and elegance, but they can be vulnerable to a range of pests and diseases. By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures, you can protect your tree from common problems such as aphids, scale insects, powdery mildew, and verticillium wilt. Regular care and maintenance, along with proper watering and fertilization, will help ensure the long-term health and vitality of your beloved Japanese maple tree. Remember, a healthy tree is a beautiful tree. Certified arborists can help your landscape reach it maximum potential and raise the overall value of your property.


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Tree Care, Plant Health Care Amanda Geary Tree Care, Plant Health Care Amanda Geary

Why Do Oak Trees Lose Their Leaves For Winter?

Have you ever wondered why trees, like oak trees, shed their leaves?

Leaf shedding, also known as abscission, is a natural process that occurs in deciduous trees like oak trees. It is a highly coordinated and intricate process that begins with the tree sensing environmental cues such as changes in temperature and daylight duration. These cues trigger a series of physiological and biochemical changes within the tree, leading to the shedding of its leaves.

The process of a tree losing its leaves is governed by a hormone called abscisic acid, which is responsible for initiating the detachment of the leaf from the tree. As the concentration of abscisic acid increases, it triggers the formation of a layer of cells called the abscission zone at the base of the leaf stem. This layer gradually weakens the connection between the leaf and the tree, allowing the leaf to fall off.

Why do trees lose their leaves?

Trees lose their leaves in winter for several important purposes for trees. One of the primary reasons is to conserve water. During the colder months, water may be less available to the tree's roots due to frozen soil or reduced rainfall. By shedding its leaves, the tree reduces its water loss through transpiration, as leaves are the primary site of water loss in trees.

Another benefit of leaf shedding is the preservation of nutrients. Before the leaves fall, the tree reabsorbs valuable nutrients from them and stores them in its branches, trunk, and roots. This nutrient recycling ensures that the tree can use these valuable resources to support its growth and survival during the dormant period.

During winter, the lack of sunlight and the freezing temperatures make it difficult for trees to photosynthesize and produce energy. By shedding their leaves, trees minimize their energy expenditure and focus on conserving resources for survival. This adaptation allows them to endure the harsh winter conditions until spring arrives and provides them with the necessary conditions for new growth.

Additionally, shedding leaves helps trees eliminate any potential threats or pathogens that may have accumulated on the leaves during the growing season. By shedding infected or damaged leaves, the tree can prevent the spread of diseases and ensure its overall health and vitality.

Why do pine trees and other evergreens not lose their leaves in winter?

While deciduous trees like oaks and maples shed their leaves, there are other types of trees known as evergreen trees that do not lose their leaves. Evergreen trees, such as pine, spruce, and cedar, have adapted to retain their leaves throughout the year.

The leaves of evergreen trees are typically needle-like or scale-like, which helps them conserve water and withstand harsh winter conditions. These trees have a higher concentration of resins and waxes in their leaves, which act as a protective barrier against freezing temperatures and excessive water loss.

What triggers trees to lose their leaves in winter?

While the primary triggers for leaf shedding are related to changes in temperature and daylight duration, there are other environmental factors that can influence the timing and intensity of the process. Factors such as drought, excessive rainfall, and wind can impact leaf shedding in trees.

During periods of drought, trees may shed their leaves earlier than usual to minimize water loss and conserve resources. Conversely, excessive rainfall can delay leaf shedding as the tree continues to receive sufficient water for its needs. Strong winds can also accelerate the shedding process by physically dislodging leaves from the tree.

Understanding why oak trees, and other deciduous trees like maple trees, shed their leaves allows us to appreciate the purpose and benefits of this process. From conserving water and nutrients to protecting against pathogens and adapting to changing seasons, leaf shedding is a vital survival mechanism for trees.

If you have any concerns or questions about your trees, don't hesitate to get in touch with our certified arborists for a free tree consultation today at (770) 554-9406. Let's continue to cherish and protect the wonders of nature that surround us.

Connect with an arborist now.

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Tree Care Amanda Geary Tree Care Amanda Geary

The Ultimate Guide to Watering Trees: Best Practices for Nurturing New Additions

Water is essential for the growth and survival of all living organisms, and trees are no exception. Adequate watering provides trees with the necessary hydration to flourish and withstand environmental stresses. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the best practices for watering trees, helping you nurture your new additions with confidence.

How to Determine When to Water Your Trees

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the water requirements vary depending on factors such as tree species, soil type, and weather conditions. To determine if your trees need watering, you can perform a simple soil moisture test. Insert a screwdriver or a soil probe into the ground around the tree's root zone. If it goes in easily and the soil feels moist, your tree is likely adequately hydrated. On the other hand, if the soil is dry and compacted, it's time to water.

Best Practices for Watering Newly Planted Trees

Watering newly planted trees is of utmost importance, as they have not yet established an extensive root system to seek out water on their own. Follow these best practices to ensure the successful establishment of your newly planted trees:

The key to watering newly planted trees is deep watering. This involves providing a slow and steady flow of water directly to the root zone. Use a soaker hose or a drip irrigation system to apply water slowly and deeply. This method allows the water to penetrate the soil, encouraging the roots to grow downward in search of moisture. Avoid shallow watering, as it promotes surface roots that are more susceptible to drying out.

Watering Schedule

Establishing a regular watering schedule is essential to prevent under or overwatering. For the first few weeks after planting, water your tree every 2-3 days. As the tree becomes established and develops a stronger root system, you can gradually reduce the frequency of watering to once a week. Monitor the soil moisture regularly to adjust the watering schedule accordingly.


Mulching around the base of your newly planted tree has several benefits, including moisture retention. Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or shredded bark, around the tree, leaving a gap around the trunk to prevent rot. Mulch helps to conserve soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weed growth. Be sure not to pile the mulch against the trunk, as it can create a moist environment that encourages disease and insect infestation.

Different Methods for Watering Trees

There are various methods you can use to water your trees effectively. The choice of method depends on factors such as tree size, availability of equipment, and personal preference. Here are a few common methods for watering trees:

Hand Watering

Hand watering is a simple and affordable method that allows you to control the amount and location of water applied. Use a watering can or a garden hose with a gentle spray nozzle to water the tree's root zone. Apply water slowly and evenly, ensuring that it penetrates the soil rather than running off the surface. This method works well for small to medium-sized trees.

Sprinkler Irrigation

Sprinkler irrigation is a popular method for watering large trees or multiple trees simultaneously. Install sprinklers in the vicinity of your trees and set them to water for an extended period. Ensure that the water reaches the root zone by adjusting the sprinkler heads and avoiding excessive runoff. It's important to note that sprinkler irrigation may not be as efficient as other methods, as a significant amount of water can be lost to evaporation.

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a highly efficient method that delivers water directly to the tree's root zone. It involves the use of a network of tubes or pipes with emitters that release water slowly and evenly. Drip irrigation minimizes water waste and allows for precise control of water application. This method is particularly beneficial for large trees or areas with water restrictions.

Using Tree Watering Bags

Tree watering bags are a fantastic tool for efficient and convenient watering, especially for newly planted trees. These bags are made of porous material and wrap around the base of the tree trunk, providing a slow release of water directly to the root zone. The bags can be filled with water and left to slowly irrigate the tree over several hours or days. This method ensures deep watering and reduces water waste through evaporation. Tree watering bags are an excellent option for busy homeowners or those who have difficulty maintaining a regular watering schedule.

Signs of Overwatering or Underwatering Trees

Proper watering is a delicate balance, and both overwatering and underwatering can have detrimental effects on your trees. It's crucial to recognize the signs of these conditions to take appropriate action. Here are some signs to look out for:


Overwatering can lead to root rot, fungal diseases, and overall decline in tree health. Signs of overwatering include:

  • Yellowing or wilting leaves

  • Mushy or foul-smelling roots

  • Excessive canopy dieback

  • Algae or mold growth on the soil surface

If you notice these signs, reduce the frequency and volume of watering and improve soil drainage if necessary.


Underwatering can cause stress and dehydration, leading to stunted growth and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases. Signs of underwatering include:

  • Drooping or wilted leaves

  • Browning or yellowing of leaves

  • Brittle or dry branches

  • Premature leaf drop

If you suspect underwatering, increase the frequency and volume of watering, ensuring that the water reaches the root zone.

Proper watering is a fundamental aspect of tree care that should not be overlooked. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can ensure the health and vitality of your trees for years to come. Remember to consider the specific needs of your tree species, adjust your watering practices accordingly, and always monitor the soil moisture. If you have any doubts or need further assistance, don't hesitate to call a certified arborist to schedule a consultation. Happy tree watering!


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Tree Planting Amanda Geary Tree Planting Amanda Geary

Which Trees Are Native To Georgia?

Georgia, a state known for its rich biodiversity, is home to a wide range of native trees. From the coastal plains in the south to the mountains in the north, the varied landscape of Georgia supports a diverse array of flora. These native trees have adapted naturally to the region's soil, climate, and rainfall patterns, making them well-suited for the local ecosystem. In this article, we will explore 30 stunning trees native to Georgia, highlighting their unique characteristics and the benefits they bring to the environment.

Top Ten Native Georgia Trees:

1. Hazel Alder (Alnus serrulata)

The Hazel Alder is a small tree or large, multi-stemmed, thicket-forming shrub. It is commonly found in boggy grounds near rivers, streams, lakes, springs, and wet meadows. This tree features smooth gray trunks with barely noticeable pores. In March and early April, before the leaves emerge, the Hazel Alder produces monoecious flowers. The male catkins are slender and droop in clusters near the branch tips, while the female catkins are bright red upright cylinders located on twig tips. The tree's fruiting cones contain winged nutlets that mature in the fall and persist into the winter, providing a food source for various bird species. With its obovate leaves and dark green color, the Hazel Alder adds a touch of elegance to any landscape. It also has the unique ability to fix nitrogen into the soil through its root nodules.

  • Common Names: Common Alder, Tag Alder, Hazel Alder

  • Growing Zones: 4-9

  • Average Size at Maturity: 10-20 ft tall and 12-15 ft wide

  • Flowering Season: March/early April

2. Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

The Bald Cypress is a classic tree of the southern swamps, known for its distinct feature of raising knobbled 'knees' from its roots. This tree thrives in wet or dry conditions and can withstand flooding. It is a deciduous conifer with short needles arranged in pairs on slender branches. In spring, the needles are yellow/green, turning soft green in the summer and orange/reddish/brown in the fall. The Bald Cypress produces small globular cones that contain triangular seeds, attracting wildlife. With its pyramidal shape and average height of 50-70 ft, the Bald Cypress adds beauty and resilience to any landscape.

  • Common Names: White Cypress, Bald Cypress, Gulf Cypress, Red Cypress, Tidewater Red Cypress

  • Growing Zones: 4-10

  • Average Size at Maturity: 50-70 ft tall and 20-25 ft wide

  • Flowering Season: April

3. Florida Maple (Acer floridanum)

The Florida Maple, also known as Acer floridanum, is a deciduous tree native to Georgia. This tree is particularly noted for its glorious springtime, warm summers, brisk autumns, and brief winters. It can adapt to a range of soil and moisture conditions, making it a versatile choice for gardens. The Florida Maple supports native wildlife by providing shelter and food. It produces vibrant yellow flowers in the spring and small samaras, or winged seeds, in the fall. With its attractive foliage and ability to thrive in different environments, the Florida Maple is a valuable addition to any landscape.

  • Common Names: Florida Maple

  • Growing Zones: Varies across Georgia

  • Average Size at Maturity: Varies across Georgia

  • Flowering Season: Spring

4. Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)

The Southern Magnolia is an iconic tree native to the southeastern United States, including Georgia. This evergreen tree boasts large, glossy leaves and produces fragrant white flowers that can reach up to 12 inches in diameter. The Southern Magnolia is known for its striking beauty and is often used as an ornamental tree in landscapes. It thrives in well-drained soils and can tolerate both full sun and partial shade. The tree's flowers attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, while its large cone-like fruits provide food for wildlife. With its majestic presence and year-round greenery, the Southern Magnolia is a beloved symbol of the South.

  • Common Names: Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay

  • Growing Zones: 7-9

  • Average Size at Maturity: 60-80 ft tall and 30-50 ft wide

  • Flowering Season: Late spring to early summer

5. Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica)

The Blackgum, also known as Nyssa sylvatica, is a deciduous tree native to Georgia. It is highly adaptable and can grow in a variety of soil types, including wet or dry conditions. The Blackgum is known for its vibrant fall foliage, which ranges from brilliant red to deep purple. In spring, the tree produces inconspicuous flowers that attract pollinators, and in the fall, it produces small blue-black fruits that are a valuable food source for wildlife. With its attractive foliage and ability to thrive in different environments, the Blackgum is a popular choice for landscapes in Georgia.

  • Common Names: Blackgum, Tupelo

  • Growing Zones: 4-9

  • Average Size at Maturity: 30-50 ft tall and 20-30 ft wide

  • Flowering Season: Spring

6. Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

The Eastern Redbud, scientifically known as Cercis canadensis, is a small deciduous tree native to Georgia. It is renowned for its stunning display of pink or purple flowers in early spring, which emerge before the leaves. The heart-shaped leaves of the Eastern Redbud add to its charm, turning yellow in the fall. This tree thrives in a variety of soil types and is well-suited for gardens and landscapes. Its flowers attract pollinators, and its seeds are consumed by birds and other wildlife. With its vibrant colors and compact size, the Eastern Redbud brings beauty to any outdoor space.

  • Common Names: Eastern Redbud

  • Growing Zones: 4-9

  • Average Size at Maturity: 20-30 ft tall and wide

  • Flowering Season: Early spring

7. Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris)

The Longleaf Pine, scientifically known as Pinus palustris, is a tall evergreen tree native to Georgia. It is a slow-growing and long-lived species that can reach heights of over 100 feet. The Longleaf Pine is well-adapted to fire-prone ecosystems and has thick, fire-resistant bark. This tree is known for its long, slender needles that grow in bundles of three and its large, cylindrical cones. It provides important habitat for wildlife, including the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker. With its remarkable height and ecological significance, the Longleaf Pine is a symbol of the South's natural heritage.

  • Common Names: Longleaf Pine

  • Growing Zones: 7-10

  • Average Size at Maturity: 80-100 ft tall and 30-40 ft wide

  • Flowering Season: Spring

8. American Holly (Ilex opaca)

The American Holly, scientifically known as Ilex opaca, is an evergreen tree native to the eastern United States, including Georgia. It is recognized for its glossy, spiky leaves and vibrant red berries, which persist throughout the winter. The American Holly is a dioecious tree, meaning it has separate male and female trees. The female trees produce the iconic red berries that are a valuable food source for birds. This tree thrives in well-drained soils and is often used as a decorative tree during the holiday season. With its striking foliage and winter interest, the American Holly is a cherished tree in Georgia.

  • Common Names: American Holly

  • Growing Zones: 5-9

  • Average Size at Maturity: 30-50 ft tall and 15-25 ft wide

  • Flowering Season: Spring

9. Sweetbay Magnolia (Magnolia virginiana)

The Sweetbay Magnolia, scientifically known as Magnolia virginiana, is a small to medium-sized tree native to Georgia. It is commonly found in wetland areas, such as swamps and stream banks. The Sweetbay Magnolia is known for its fragrant white flowers, which bloom in late spring and early summer. The tree's leaves are glossy green on top and silvery-white underneath, creating an attractive contrast. It produces red seeds that are enjoyed by birds and other wildlife. With its tolerance for wet soils and its beautiful flowers, the Sweetbay Magnolia adds elegance to any landscape.

  • Common Names: Sweetbay Magnolia

  • Growing Zones: 5-9

  • Average Size at Maturity: 10-60 ft tall and 10-40 ft wide

  • Flowering Season: Late spring to early summer

10. White Oak (Quercus alba)

The White Oak, scientifically known as Quercus alba, is a large deciduous tree native to eastern North America, including Georgia. It is renowned for its majestic stature and its longevity, with some individuals living for several hundred years. The White Oak features distinctive lobed leaves that turn shades of red and purple in the fall. This tree produces acorns, which are an important food source for wildlife, including birds, squirrels, and deer. The wood of the White Oak is highly valued for its strength and durability, making it a popular choice for furniture and construction. With its grand presence and ecological significance, the White Oak is a treasured tree in Georgia.

  • Common Names: White Oak

  • Growing Zones: 4-9

  • Average Size at Maturity: 60-100 ft tall and 50-80 ft wide

  • Flowering Season: Spring

The diverse landscape of Georgia provides a home for a wide range of native trees. From the Hazel Alder with its nitrogen-fixing abilities to the majestic White Oak with its longevity, each tree brings unique beauty and benefits to the environment. By planting native trees in our gardens and landscapes, we can support local ecosystems, provide habitat for wildlife, and enhance the natural beauty of our surroundings. So, let's embrace the richness of Georgia's native trees and contribute to the preservation of our biodiverse landscape.

For more information on planting trees near Monroe, Ga. click the link below to be connected with a local arborist.


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Tree Removal, Tree Care Amanda Geary Tree Removal, Tree Care Amanda Geary

Signs It's Time to Remove a Tree: Insights from Professional Arborists

In the world of tree care, arborists play a crucial role in ensuring the health and safety of our urban forests. These skilled professionals are trained in the art and science of tree care, and they are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to identify and address a wide range of tree problems. One of the key responsibilities of arborists is determining when it's time to remove a tree. In this article, we will explore the common signs of tree problems, the importance of identifying tree pests and diseases, and the dangers of DIY tree removal. We will also discuss the benefits of hiring a professional arborist for tree removal, factors to consider when choosing an arborist, and the process of tree removal. Finally, we will touch on tree care and maintenance after removal. So, let's dive in and learn more about the signs it's time to remove a tree.

The Role of Arborists in Tree Care

Before we delve into the signs that indicate a tree may need to be removed, let's take a moment to understand the important role that arborists play in tree care. Arborists, also known as tree surgeons or tree doctors, are highly trained professionals who specialize in the care and maintenance of trees. They have a deep understanding of tree biology, growth patterns, and the various factors that can affect tree health. Arborists are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to diagnose and treat tree problems, and they are skilled in performing a wide range of tree care services.

Arborists are responsible for assessing the overall health and condition of trees, identifying potential issues, and implementing appropriate solutions. They can provide valuable insights into the needs of individual trees, including pruning requirements, fertilization schedules, and disease prevention strategies. Arborists also play a crucial role in tree preservation and conservation efforts, working to protect and maintain the urban canopy for future generations. By partnering with arborists, homeowners, property managers, and municipalities can ensure the long-term health and vitality of their trees.

Common Signs of Tree Problems

Trees are living organisms that can be affected by a variety of issues, ranging from environmental stressors to pests and diseases. Identifying the signs of tree problems is essential for maintaining the health and safety of your trees. Here are some common signs that may indicate a tree is in distress:

  • Leaf Discoloration and Abnormal Growth Patterns

  • Dead or Dying Branches

  • Bark Damage and Decay

  • Tree Pests

  • Tree Diseases

When Tree Removal Is Necessary

While arborists strive to preserve trees whenever possible, there are circumstances when tree removal is the only viable option. Here are some situations where tree removal may be necessary:

Structural Instability

If a tree is structurally compromised and poses a significant risk to people or property, it may need to be removed. Signs of structural instability include large cavities or hollow areas in the trunk, extensive decay, or leaning at an angle greater than 15 degrees. In such cases, the tree may be at risk of falling during storms or high winds, posing a danger to nearby structures or individuals.

Severe Disease or Pest Infestation

In some cases, tree diseases or pest infestations can be so severe that they cannot be effectively treated, and the tree's overall health and vitality are compromised. If an arborist determines that a tree is beyond saving and poses a risk of spreading pests or diseases to nearby trees, removal may be necessary to protect the rest of the landscape.

Obstruction or Interference

Trees that obstruct power lines, impede construction projects, or interfere with the growth of other desirable trees may need to be removed. In urban environments, trees must coexist with other infrastructure and landscape elements. If a tree is causing significant interference or poses a safety risk, removal may be the most practical solution.

It's important to consult with a professional arborist to assess the specific circumstances and determine whether tree removal is the best course of action.

Call an arborist who will provide high-quality tree removal services.

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Tree Care, Tree Removal Amanda Geary Tree Care, Tree Removal Amanda Geary

Can My Trees Recover From Hurricane Damage?

In light of recent events, some of you may be wondering what steps are taken to restore trees after a hurricane hits?

  • Then we will have a tree care expert assess the damage to the trees to determine which trees are able to be saved and how.

  • If we are able to mitigate the damage to the tree, we will start by removing the dead, cracked, or broken limbs that are still attached to the trees. We will use proper pruning techniques to ensure the tree will be able to heal properly and will not be exposed to further damage by disease or pests.

  • Then we will irrigate the roots to encourage healthy growth as we would any newly planted or struggling tree. Continuing to water the tree a few times a week for the first month or two after the damage occurred is a good starting point.

  • Covering the trees root system with a 2-3inch layer of mulch will help the tree to conserve moisture, regulate soil temperatures as well as preventing weeds and providing great organic matter into the soil.

The damaged tree should make a decent recovery within six months to a year. If you notice the tree has foliage or bark problems or just overall isn't looking healthy, it is best to have your trees reassessed by an ISA certified arborist to ensure there aren’t any other internal issues arising with the tree.

If you have questions about your trees after a hurricane hits, please feel free to click the link below to be connected with an arborist and learn more on how you can help your landscape!


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Tree Care Amanda Geary Tree Care Amanda Geary

Why Is My Evergreen Turning Brown?

Evergreen trees have always been a popular species with their habit of maintaining their color in your yard throughout winter. When you see your evergreen turning brown, it can be a cause for worry.

There are a number of reasons why your evergreen might be browning including:

Summer drought - Temperature and environmental factors always play a big role in the health of your trees as well as how they survive less than ideal conditions. Drought is the number one cause for browning evergreens in Georgia.

Pests and diseases - Pests and disease bring about a bigger cause for concern, as these will involve getting help from a tree care expert. Bark beetles are the most common pests found munching away on your evergreens. Diseases such as cytospora canker disease have also been found in the area. It is important to consult with a local tree care professional if you think your tree is infected with pests or diseases.

Transplant shock - Transplant shock can affect all species of plants and trees and is usually caused by damaged roots. Most of the time, they will recover from transplant shock, but it is important to note that this can be a very long and slow process. We recommend fertilization to provide extra nutrients your tree might need to repair itself.

Can I save my browning evergreen tree?

Depending on the cause of the damage, there are a number of things you can do to save your browning evergreen tree before its too late. We always recommend having a tree care expert come out to your property to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. However, there are some things you can do in the meantime to encourage repair.


Going into dormant season (winter), is the best time of the year to get your trees on an annual pruning plan. Trimming your trees regularly provides a large number of benefits and is the standard practice in prevention.


If the temperatures in your area have been on the high side with little to no rain, your trees could be browning from drought. Providing your evergreen with water regularly should keep it from browning.


We recommend fertilization during spring, so now is the perfect time to secure your spot on the list! Fertilization replenishes the soil for trees of all types and ages.

If you would like further information or to speak with a tree care expert regarding your trees click the link below to be connected now!


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Tree Care, Tree Pruning Amanda Geary Tree Care, Tree Pruning Amanda Geary

3 Ways To Prep Your Trees For Hurricane Season

Hurricane season is here and now is the time to ensure your trees and home are protected from damage. The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration is predicting 14-21 named storms to come our way this season. This number is far above average and we should expect winds of 111 MPH or higher. Hurricane season in Georgia starts June 1st and runs through November 30th.

How can I prep my trees for hurricane season?

Arborist inspections

The first step to protecting your trees from storm damage is to have a consultation by a certified arborist. They will be able to identify weaknesses in your trees and construct a unique plan to ensure your home and loved ones are safe from storm damage.

Proper pruning

Maintaining a regular pruning regimen on your trees is not just for aesthetics. This can help to balance out the weight by thinning the canopy, remove dead, weak or overhanging branches that could potentially cause a threat during a storm.


When you have an ISA certified arborist come to your home to inspect your trees they will be looking for weak spots in the canopy that would be a good candidate for cabling or bracing. By strategically installing flexible steel strand cables and heavy brace rods, your tree becomes stronger. This makes them less susceptible to suddenly break during high winds.

If you think your home is in danger of storm damage from your trees, click the link below to be connected with one of our certified arborists now for a free evaluation!


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