Is My Sprinkler System Damaging My Trees?
Irrigation systems are great for low maintenance landscaping. Essentially you just set it , forget it, and watch everything bloom. However, if these irrigation systems are not properly placed, they can cause a problem for your trees and plants.
In the strong Georgia heat, we rarely think of overwatering posing any threats to our gardens. In the heat of the summer especially, it is very important to provide a substantial amount of water to keep your trees, plants and grass thriving.
When you decide to have your sprinkler system installed its important to make sure the location is ideal. Too much water can do just as much harm as too little. Overwatering with trees can be a dangerous situation as excessive moisture provides a perfect breeding ground for pathogens and fungus to develop, essentially leading to the weakening of your trees. If you notice any fungus or mushrooms growing at the base or the trunks of your trees, call a certified Arborist as soon as possible to have your trees properly assessed for decline.
Some signs your plants/trees are getting too much water are:
root rot
bark falling off the trunk
trunk damage
saturated soils
fungus (mushrooms, etc.)
Some signs your plants/trees aren’t getting enough water are:
wilted or curling leaves
smaller leaves than normal
leaf drop
yellowing or burning of the leaves
After installation, walk around to different spots checking the soil after a run to ensure it is getting proper moisture. If the soil is heavily saturated you know your trees and plants are being overwatered and visa versa.
If you would like an ISA Certified Arborist to come assess the health of your trees, click the link below to be connected!