Best Trees To Plant For Allergies
Spring time is arguably the nicest season of the year, if not for all of the thick layers of pollen coating our cars, our homes and taking over our sinuses! It would be so nice to be able to walk outside or roll your windows down and enjoy the weather without sneezing for the rest of the afternoon. Lets start with the basics.
What is pollen?
Pollen is a fine, powdery substance that contains microscopic grains from the male part of your trees, flowers or cones. This substance is meant to fertilize the female ovule. It is spread and transferred by the wind, insects and other animals.
Why is it necessary?
In order for trees and plants to continue their life cycle of growth and reproduction, pollen is necessary. Pollination is such a crucial component to the ecosystem because humans and animals are reliant on pollen for the reproduction of food. Without pollen, plants and trees will not bear fruit or seeds that we as a society rely on.
But maybe you are thinking of swapping out certain varieties to be able to enjoy your backyard without downing allergy medicine? We understand! Did you know there is such a thing as hypoallergenic tree species? What a life saver!
Here are a list of trees that are “dioecious” trees that will help to minimize your allergies next season:
Red Maple
White Ash
If none of these varieties spark your interest here are a few lower pollinating species:
Flowering Crapapple
Flowering plum
Crape Myrtle
If you are planning to plant a new specimen in your landscape and would like to gain some insight from a certified Arborist click the link below!