How To Tell If Your Trees Are Dead In Winter

During wintertime all of our favorite specimens that bring us the prettiest fall colors become bear branch and seemingly dead.

But how can you tell if your tree is actually dead or if it is just performing it’s natural dormant routine?

There are a number of ways to tell this without having a certified arborist from North American tree assess your property. We have put together a list of a couple things you can do to determine the health of your tree at home in winter time. 

Look for buds

Even trees in the dormant season will have a number of buds along the branches and stems that are preparing to blame for spring. If your tree is showing no signs of buds, this could be a sign of decline.

Scratch the surface 

You can perform a simple scratch test on the surface of the cambium layer of the tree to determine its health. Simply take your finger nail or a knife and scratch just the surface of the trunk of the tree to reveal the inside color. The color should be green, deadwood is generally brown and indicates the decline of your tree. If your tree is showing signs of decay or decline please call a certified arborist from North American tree service today for a free estimate on your trees in Atlanta.

Check the trunk 

While trees are in dormancy, they tend to shed bark and replace it before spring time comes around. If you notice any spots on your tree with missing bark that hasn’t been replaced, this could be a sign of decline as well. Look for signs of cracking, open wounds, pest, or any kind of fungus growing anywhere on your trees in Atlanta.

These simple steps are a good starting point to determine the health of your tree however having a certified arborist come out to check your trees health is a necessity especially in winter time when the weather can positively or negatively affect your landscape.

Performing routine prevention practices is much more cost-effective than dead tree removal afterwards.

If you still have any questions about the health of your trees in Atlanta, feel free to call North American tree service to have a certified arborist come out today to assess your trees.

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