Tree Removal, Tree Care Amanda Geary Tree Removal, Tree Care Amanda Geary

Should I Grind My Stump Or Remove It?

After having your trees removed there is a large eyesore left in your yard. Stump grinding and removal have pros and cons and the decision is ultimately up to the homeowner which route they want to take.

Reasons to have your stumps ground

After the stump begins the slow decay process the stump can become a home for pests such as termites, boring insects, fungi and more. In this scenario, if you stump is in close contact with other trees or your home, it might be best to remove it.

There are a number of other reasons a homeowner might have their stumps ground such as:

  • Cosmetic preferences.

  • After the stump has rotten, sinkholes will be left behind, leaving a hazard in your yard.

  • Desire to plant a new specimen when the stump is still in the way.

Reasons to have your stump removed

To remove your stump from the ground completely, in our opinion is the best way to ensure the stump is completely removed and no sinkholes in Stone Mountain will arise on your property. Removing a stump in Stone Mountain can be quite costly though due to the use of excavation services. When you have a stump plucked from your yard they bring in very heavy equipment out pull it, then will need a means to dispose of it (landfill$$), then will need to come behind the removal with a bobcat to push the dirt back into the remaining hole and smooth the surface back out.

Reasons to keep your stump

Some people might prefer to keep the stump in their yard as a form of yard art. Homeowners will put planted pots around it to make it a sort of plant stand for decoration. Keeping the stump also saves money, as stump grinding services can be an upwards of $100 depending on the size.

If you need stump grinding services, please give us a call today for a free estimate!

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How To Get Rid Of Above Ground Tree Roots

Large, beautiful trees sometimes come with a downside. Sometimes the roots of these large trees are forced upwards in order to find proper air and moisture. This usually occurs when the trees are planted in an area with heavily compacted or heavy clay soils. Above ground roots are not only an eye sore, they can begin to kill your grass, crack sidewalks and driveways, seep into your septic tank system while searching for water among many other problems.

So the question remains…

How can I get rid of these above ground roots without killing my tree?

There are a TON of factors that go into root pruning including:

  • Location of the tree

  • Health

  • Time of year

  • Age

And these are just a few factors that will determine how well your tree will take a root pruning. However, there is never a guarantee that pruning back roots wont harm or kill your tree eventually. It is best to have a certified Arborist in Grayson come out to your home and evaluate the health risk of your trees before getting started on root pruning in Grayson.

A few tips for root pruning your trees if you decide to try a DIY on a smaller project:

  • Never remove more than 20% of the roots as this will almost guarantee a decline.

  • Wait 2-3 years between root prunings for the tree to recover.

  • Spring/Winter are the best time of year to perform root pruning.

  • Never prune roots that are over 2 inches wide.

After performing a root pruning DIY, be sure to keep an eye on your tree for any yellow leaves, leaf drop, bark peel, fungus, etc. If you notice any sign of disease or tree decline in Grayson, give us a call immediately for an Arborist evaluation on your trees!

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Tree Care, Tree Removal Amanda Geary Tree Care, Tree Removal Amanda Geary

What Are The Green Spots Covering My Trees?

At some point we have all seen the moss growing on the trunk or around the base, sometimes even on the branches of our trees in Watkinsville.

But what causes it and is it an actual sign of decline?

There are three different types of mossy growth that can appear on your trees:

  1. Algae - Dusty powder that appears on the wood of your trees in damp, rainy conditions.

  2. Moss - Can appear in any condition and is a thick green substance.

  3. Lichens - A hybrid cross of algae and moss that form in circular patches that are crusty and raised.

In fact, none of these organisms are a sign of decline at all, they just naturally form on your trees in ideal conditions.

Since these organisms are totally natural and do not harm your tree there is no reason to get rid of it. However if you see other fungus such as mushrooms or gooey substances on your trees in Watkinsville, be sure to give us a call to have a certified arborist in Watkinsville come out and do an routine inspection on your tree’s health.

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Why is My Tree Not Blooming?

Summer has arrived & all of our trees should be blooming now, but what if yours just isnt quite ready to blossom? There are a number of reasons that a tree could be prolonging bloom time but we have listed out the main ways that trees know it is their time to bloom.


Each tree and species is different and carries with it a different set of growth rates. Just because your oak is blooming and your maple isn’t could simply be a matter of genetics and their unique bloom time.

Growing degree days.

Depending on species, each tree has an individual base temperature, which is the minimum temperature that is required for it to bloom. This calculation can be made by taking the base temperature and considering the average temperature of the days in spring in your location and it will give you a pretty good idea of when your tree will bloom.

Sunlight, or lack thereof.

Trees can actually calculate when there is enough sunlight to being growing. After the nights turn shorter and the days get longer, a tree goes into bloom mode.

Is there anything I can do to promote my tree to grow faster?

North american tree service offers deep root fertilization for a very low cost that will catapult your tree into optimum growth in a timely manner.

Fertilizer that can be bought at retail stores has also proven effective however is more costly in the long run due to the amount you will have to purchase to be the equivalent to qualified fertilizer.

There are a few other things you can do to take care of your trees after they bloom including:

  • Properly pruning back all dead branches

  • Stay to a consistent & effective watering schedule

  • Mulch around the base of your trees

  • Deep root fertilization

If your tree still hasn’t bloomed and its past the recommended time for it to blossom, your tree could either have pests, diseases or could be dying from another cause

. Give us a call to have a certified Arborist come out for a free estimate on your dead or dying trees in Covington today!

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Quarantine Yard Projects!

Stuck inside? We have the perfect remedy for keeping busy during quarantine! Here are a few spring tips to keep your landscape healthy and thriving over the next couple of months.

Inspect your trees 

Spring is a great time to detect dead trees on your property that might need removal. Be sure to walk your property and inspect each tree, looking for signs of disease, pests, decay, or fungus. If you spot and dead branches, it’s important to properly prune them back to ensure optimum spring growth. Make sure to check the soil around the base of your trees for any signs of mushrooms, as this can be a good indicator of root rot, which would not be uncommon due to the high levels of rain we have had over the past couple of months.



Did you know mulching your trees can help enrich the soil content? When mulching around the base of your trees it’s important to keep the mulch away from the base of the tree to prevent root rot, however mulching at least 3 inches to 6 inches deep well ensure moisture retention in the coming hot summer months. Mulching around your trees also eliminate weeds. Eliminating the weeds around the base of your trees is important because it prevents your trees from having to compete for nutrients. It is important to use organic mulching materials as opposed to rubber mulch to provide the soil with the nutrients that it needs.


From your garden to your trees, everything can use a good fertilization every so often. Did you know that we perform deep root fertilization’s on trees at a low cost? Give us a call today to have a certified arborist come and inspect your trees, and provide you with a detailed prevention fertilization schedule for free!

Our offices are still open for business including tree removal, and mulching services.

Give us a call today for information on mulch delivery to your home, or to have a certified arborist come out to your property for a free inspection of your trees!

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Tree Care, Tree Pruning, Tree Removal Amanda Geary Tree Care, Tree Pruning, Tree Removal Amanda Geary

Why Shouldn't I Top My Trees?


Unless you are a certified Arborist or have a pretty good understanding of trees and how to take care of them, you might have a first instinct to look at a tree that might be growing too tall and want to give it a trim, just on the top.

This is call tree topping and it is very unhealthy for the tree as a whole and can result in a number of issues. When a tree is topped, all the branches on the top of the tree are chopped off into a stump-resemblance.

Why is Tree Topping Bad?

  • The main food resource, the leaves of the tree are mainly found in the top, the crown of the tree. When a tree is topped, the majority of this food source is completely taken away resulting in a lack of basic nutrition.

  • Tree topping usually involves a number of improper pruning cuts, preventing the tree from being able to heal itself as well as opening it up for pests and decay to enter.

  • Response growth is initiated when a tree is topped. Response growth is a number of short, thin, weakened branches that grow out of the trees stumps that are easily broken and fragile.

Topping your tree is a highly dangerous procedure that is unfortunately performed by power companies and some tree services today, usually to trim them away from power lines.

This procedure will be much more costly in the long run as you will have to spend more to repair the tree than to just remove it altogether. If you have an overgrown tree in Watkinsville that needs attention, please give us a call to setup a free estimate by one of our certified arborist’s in Watkinsville today!

We will recommend and pruning treatment plan for your trees that will keep them healthy and will be very inexpensive in comparison to the removal of a topped tree later on.

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Signs Your Tree Is Under Stress

Most trees that have reached maturity will be fairly easy to care for an require minimum maintenance. However, other factors can also come into play. If you have noticed any of the following signs or symptoms of stress on your trees in Stone Mountain, Ga. be sure to call a Certified Arborist at North American Tree Service to schedule a free estimate for your trees before it is too late! Here are a few signs to look out for:

Dropping Limbs

Limb dropping is a very common thing that could be from either a poor pruning job that resulted in the limbs not healing properly to form strong bonds, internal tree problems such as bacterial wetwood or just part of that specific tree’s nature. River birch trees for example are known to drop large limbs and branches year round without any cause or explanation. However, more often than not, a tree that is dropping limbs in Stone Mountain, Ga. is a definite cause for worry and should be assessed by an Arborist at North American Tree Service as soon as possible.

Yellowing/Dropping Leaves

Overwatering or drought are the most common causes of the trees dropping leaves. This could also be a nutrient deficiency in the soil. When you call North American Tree Service, we can perform soil test in Stone Mountain, Ga. and determine if the soil is causing a problem for the tree and if any nutrients need to be added.

Slimy Discharge

Improper pruning cuts leave your trees exposed to all types of damage including pests and slime flux. This bacterial deisease causes sap to ooze from the wound. If this has already infected you trees, its best to call a Certified Arborist as soon as possible to assess the damage and give you a treatment plan.

Peeling Bark

Trees will naturally exfoliate themselves and rid the dead layers as it grows. However disease, insect and animal fungus are the most common reasons for peeling bark. These are usually the last stages of tree decline, meaning the tree most likely will not be able to be saved at this point. However, one of our certified Arborist’s will be able to determine how far along the decay has actually gone and if the tree can be saved or not.

Ants Around The Trunk

Carpenter ants only nest and feed on decayed wood, meaning there could be a much larger problem with the tree. The actual decay of the tree could be caused by a number of factors including drought, environmental stress, disease etc. This could be determined at the time of the estimate by one of our certified Arborists at North American Tree Service.

Mushrooms Near The Base

Honey fungus is a deadly fungi that attacks a trees root system and causes decline. Signs of honey fungi are flat top, yellow-brown mushrooms near the base of your trees. These are usually cause by overwatering since mushrooms and other fungi thrive in extremely wet conditions. Not performing proper prunes on your dead and diseased limbs can also cause the invasion of this fungi. If you notice this fungi growing on your property in Stone Mountain, Ga. be sure to call a Certified Aborist from North American Tree Service to assess the other trees and plants around it, as this disease is easily spread.

Keep your trees healthy and call today for an estimate on your trees by a Certified Arborist from North American Tree Service!

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Tree Care, Tree Removal Amanda Geary Tree Care, Tree Removal Amanda Geary

Why it's Important to Hire Licensed & Insured Tree Service



In the tree care industry it is easy to mistake a reputable company for one that has all of its certifications, and is also licensed and insured. It is important to carefully select the company that will be working on your property because if they are not insured, you could be liable for any damage or injuries that occur on your property. Some homeowners are just looking to save a couple bucks by paying the less reputable companies cash, however they quickly find out it ends up being much more expensive.

Unnecessary Removals

In addition to the risk of being liable for any injuries and damages, the lower scale tree companies will not have as much experience or the resources as the higher level companies. Having a certified Arborist on staff is also a very important thing that homeowners should consider while choosing the right company. If a company’s sales team has no background in tree service or tree care, how would they even be able to properly diagnose your beloved trees? Unfortunately, it there has been many instances that we have arrived to an estimate only to find hundreds of trees that are alive and well marked up with orange paint signaling the removal. Every day companies of all kinds go out to estimates and tell homeowners trees should be removed just to pocket the money. This is simply unjust. Saving the tree is always our priority. Removals only occur based on the homeowners preference or if the tree is completely dead and cannot be healed.

So how can you protect yourself and your home?


An insurance certificate dated for a full year of coverage can be easily obtained with one down payment.  Don’t settle for a piece of paper.  Call the insurance company directly to verify CURRENT coverage.  Liability and especially worker’s compensation insurance in the tree care industry is very expensive.  It is also required by law.  This is the dividing line between a professional tree service company and a “fly-by-night” operator.  An uninsured tree care company often provides the lowest estimate, but at what cost to you as the homeowner?


Ask for a list of references from local satisfied customers and BE SURE TO CALL. 



Tree trimming and removal involves the use of chainsaws and chippers and is extremely dangerous.  Ask about the use of safety equipment (hardhats, chaps, safety glasses, etc.).  What are their policies about drugs in the workplace?  Ask for and verify professional affiliations the company might have, such as membership in the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) (toll free 1-888-472-8733) or the Better Business Bureau.   


Disreputable companies tend to:

  • Solicit work door-to-door.

  • Sell jobs without producing a written estimate or work order.

  • Offer prices good only for immediate service.

  • Demand payment in advance.

There are many different credentials a company can carry to prove their dedication to providing safe and effective tree care, some of these are listed below:

  • TCIA Members - TCIA (Tree Care Industry Association) is a respectable accredidation program that requires companies and employees to carry a certain set of standards through tree care to become members. They are dedicated to educating homeowners of the proper care of trees and training employees to incorporate safe business practices. They have been striving to improve the tree care industry since 1983.

  • ISA Certified Arborist’s - To become an ISA Certified Aborist, you must be extremely knowledgeable in every area of arboriculture. You must also have a minimum of three years work experience in the industry, as well as a degree pertaining to any field of arboriculture. To be ISA Certified, you must take a very long extensive test that requires dedication and months of studying.

At North American Tree Service, we have been licensed and insured with workers compensation since we started back in the 90’s. We have a staff of certified Arborist’s who can properly diagnose and treat your trees the correct way. We have always put the homeowner and our employee’s safety first, as this is a very dangerous line of business. Our employees and customers feel safe knowing that if any injuries happen while on site, everything will be completely covered by us.

Call today for a free estimate!


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