Tree Care Amanda Geary Tree Care Amanda Geary

The Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn

Over time it’s very common to see your lawns vibrancy fade away, being replaced with bare spots, burnt spots and weeds. Without proper maintenance, a thick, lush lawn can diminish quickly. A few most common reasons for a dull lawn are:

  • Soil compaction

  • Heavy traffic

  • Lack of fertilization or watering schedule

  • High temperatures

  • Drought

So how do you get your lawn to thrive again?

The first step to a healthy lawn is healthy soil. This is the base component all things above ground feed off of, so it is important to maintain proper soil nutrients to get good results. Most suburban lawns fall victim to soil compaction from heavy traffic and everyday activities which strips your lawn from one of its main components - oxygen.

Aeration is a technique our lawn care specialists use to pull small soil cores out, breaking up the compaction and allowing oxygen to enter and organic matter from the cores to be spread throughout your lawn.

Aerating your soil before over-seeding can provide substantial growth. Our machines place small pockets all over your lawn, giving the grass seed optimal soil contact, boosting germination results and preventing wash outs.

If you have brown spots, burnt spots or trouble with weeds on your lawn, click the link below to be connected with one of our lawn care specialists now!


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Lawn Care Amanda Geary Lawn Care Amanda Geary

Weed Prevention Tips for Spring


There’s nothing like a lawn with no trace of weeds in sight. For most, weed prevention can be a daunting task but with the right information and products, you can easily achieve all of your lawn care goals.

The key to having a yard full of lush, weed free, green grass is to start with a pre-emergent.

What is a pre-emergent?

Pre-emergent is a herbicide that when applied correctly and at the right time can prevent *most* weeds from emerging in the spring and summer months. Pre-emergent spray starts with the root of the problem, the actual seed of the weeds BEFORE they form. However, they don’t kill the weed seeds, instead, they completely stop the growth process from happening all-together and before they are even germinated.

When should I spray pre-emergent in Georgia?

For this process to be effective, the herbicide must be applied to the soil at the right time and temperature, which is between 50-55 degrees. In Georgia this date ranges from beginning of January to March 20th. Information regarding the temperature of your soil can be found online from numerous resources.

Will pre-emergent herbicides damage my grass?

If you have just recently installed a new pallet of sod, its best to wait until this grass has a chance to settle in before tackling the weed problems that might arise. It is important to know which pre-emergent reacts with the specific type of grass you have in order to avoid any mishaps. For example, methylated seed oil should never be used on Bermuda grass. Be sure to consult with your local lawn care technician in regards to which pre-emergent is most highly recommended for your grass and soil type.

Should I use spray or granulated pre-emergent?

This question solely relies on preference. Either or will do the job as long as they are mixed and applied evenly and thoroughly to the grass. Pre-emergents are essentially strong barriers to prevent weeds from popping through. This is why it is important to make sure your application is very evenly distributed.

Still have questions? Contact us today for help with your lawn care problems using the link below!

Contact a lawn-care technician now

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