Tree Care Amanda Geary Tree Care Amanda Geary

The Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn

Over time it’s very common to see your lawns vibrancy fade away, being replaced with bare spots, burnt spots and weeds. Without proper maintenance, a thick, lush lawn can diminish quickly. A few most common reasons for a dull lawn are:

  • Soil compaction

  • Heavy traffic

  • Lack of fertilization or watering schedule

  • High temperatures

  • Drought

So how do you get your lawn to thrive again?

The first step to a healthy lawn is healthy soil. This is the base component all things above ground feed off of, so it is important to maintain proper soil nutrients to get good results. Most suburban lawns fall victim to soil compaction from heavy traffic and everyday activities which strips your lawn from one of its main components - oxygen.

Aeration is a technique our lawn care specialists use to pull small soil cores out, breaking up the compaction and allowing oxygen to enter and organic matter from the cores to be spread throughout your lawn.

Aerating your soil before over-seeding can provide substantial growth. Our machines place small pockets all over your lawn, giving the grass seed optimal soil contact, boosting germination results and preventing wash outs.

If you have brown spots, burnt spots or trouble with weeds on your lawn, click the link below to be connected with one of our lawn care specialists now!


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Lawn Care Amanda Geary Lawn Care Amanda Geary

When Should I Lay Grass Seed In Georgia?


Planting grass seed as opposed to laying sod is a much more economical way to satisfy your landscaping dreams or improve/thicken up sparse areas in your existing lawn.

The most important thing to remember when planting grass seed is that timing is everything! Soil temperature and condition can make or break the outcome of your grass seeding project. The timing depends on the specific grass seed you plan to lay as well as what zone or region you reside in. In Georgia, Zone 8, you will most likely be planting warm season grasses such as Bermuda, Zoysia, Centipede, Bahia or St. Augustine.

Each of these specific grass seeds should be planted at different times during the year, listed below:

  • Bahiagrass - warm-season, USDA zones 7 to 11, plant in spring/summer

  • Bentgrass - cool-season, USDA zones lower 4 to 6, plant in spring or fall (fall is best)

  • Bermudagrass - warm-season, USDA zones 7 to 10, plant March through August

  • Bluegrass - cool-season, USDA zones 2 to 6, plant February to May and September to November

  • Buffalograss - warm-season, USDA zones 5 to 8, plant in spring

  • Carpetgrass - warm-season, USDA zones coastal 8 to 9, plant in spring/summer

  • Centipedegrass - warm-season, USDA zones 7 to 10, plant in spring/summer

  • Fescue (tall) - cool-season, USDA zones 4 to 7, plant spring or fall (fall is best)

  • Fescue (creeping red) - cool-season, USDA zones 3 to 7, plant spring or fall (fall is best)

  • Ryegrass (annual) - cool-season, all USDA (seasonal), plant in fall

  • Ryegrass (perennial) - cool-season, USDA zones 3 to 6, plant in spring or fall (fall is best)

  • St. Augustinegrass - warm-season, USDA zones 8 to 10, plant in spring April to August (Available as sod, plugs or sprigs; not available as seed.)

  • Zoysiagrass - warm-season, USDA zones lower 5 to 10, plant in spring April to August.Most zoysiagrass varieties are available as sod; some are available as seed.)\

Should I plant grass seed in spring or fall?

Warm weather grasses will perform best when planted in spring and early summer. On the contrary, cool weather grasses should be planted in the fall.

However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind when planting in each of these seasons.

Planting grass seed in spring will allow the seed to establish in the warm weather before any chances of freeze might arise in winter. Conditions in spring however, might bring too much heat and water, generating a breeding plaza for disease.

The main disadvantage of planting grass seed in the fall is that you won’t be able to enjoy it until the next spring/summer rolls around. However, you do have the advantage of beating the heat/drought that summer brings along with the lack of nearby weed competition.

If you are planning on seeding your lawn and have questions about how or when to seed, feel free to reach out to us using the link below! We have plant health care technicians on staff ready to assist you with your new grass seeding venture!



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