Top 5 Trees to Plant for Curb Appeal
One of the most difficult things about landscaping is figuring out what your going to plant and where. The best advice ever told is “don’t plant trouble”. That means, no trees too close to the house that will eventually have to be removed by a qualified tree expert. Also, checking the type of tree and what it needs is a must. Otherwise, you might plant a bristlecone pine in the middle of Ga. and call us wondering why it hasn’t grown an inch and looks dead. We are in hardy zone 8 which means we have very high heat and high humidity as well. A soil test is a good idea before planting anything, just to make sure it will thrive in that specific soil. But, if thats too much of a hassle, we have listed out five of the best trees to grow in Ga. for curb appeal, no soil test necessary.
Japanese Maple - These beautiful trees are often found as the focal point in landscapes. Though they are a bit slow growing, only 1 to 2 feet per year, it will be worth the wait. They have many different cultivars so it is important to do your research on which kind you like. They also have dwarf varieties that are a little more like a shrub, and are great bonsai specimen.
2. Crepe Myrtle - Another beautiful species offering showy flowers in summer along with a great fall color. They are truly a great year round tree. These look great placed closer to the house but always 10 feet distance, along with some yearly pruning.
3. Red Maple - Another member of the maple family, they are one of the most beautiful trees that have a display of red through all the seasons. Though they are very common, they are known for their buds in winter, flowers in spring, leafstalks in summer, and bright, beautiful foliage in autumn.
4. Magnolia - Often used as a privacy tree, as they grow up to 80 feet tall and 40 feet wide, these trendy trees are a great addition, when properly planted and spaced away from the house. There is something to love about these trees in every season. Even in winter, they hold their dark, shiny green leaves until late spring, when the beautiful fragrant white flowers emerge.
5. Weeping Cherry - Something about weeping trees is just so calming for the landscape. Weeping willows prefer lots of water, so we chose the weeping cherry instead. They grow about 20-30 feet and bloom bright pink or white blossoms during spring. After the blossoms fall, the dark green leaves shower the tree until late summer.
These are just a few of our favorite trees to plant for curb appeal in Ga. If you have any questions on maintenance, fertilization or tree care in general, please feel free to call our office at (770)-554-9406 and we will be happy to connect you to one of our Arborists! Also, if you have any comments, suggestions or questions, there is a comment box at the bottom of this blog, please feel free to use this feature! We are always looking for new ways to improve at our business :)
Call us now! (770) 554-9406
Increase your property value with these helpful tree care tips!
Increasing your property value can be done in a number of ways. Marble countertops, renovating bathrooms and adding hardwood floors are all great things to add to a home, but what about the landscape? A beautiful landscape can increase the value of your home 6-15%. That means REMOVING all the dead trees and taking care of the healthy ones. No one wants to buy a house with a huge liability in the front yard when that tree decides to fall over.
Here’s a few things you should look out for when determining whether your property is sell ready.
Are there any dead tree’s in the yard? First, and foremost, let’s remove the biggest liabilities and then worry about the smaller stuff. Dead trees are like ticking time bombs, you never know when they are going to go off! Tree removal is a must for any dead trees.
Are there signs of disease/decay in my trees? Diseases can sometimes be treated if found early and depending on what type. However, decay, is tricky. Decay lies on the insides of the tree trunks and sometimes won’t show any signs or symptoms until its too late! Mushrooms around the base of a tree is NEVER good and always an indicator that there is some form of root rot/decay that needs to be addressed. Diseases come in all different forms including cankers, slime, fungus, etc. In a nutshell, if it looks funky, it most likely IS FUNKY.
Is my tree too close to my house? Improper planting is becoming a very common thing these days. Before deciding to purchase a tree to plant, always look up the ID card online to make sure your not putting an 80’ mature tree right next to your front porch, as you’ll likely need tree removal later on down the road. If you don’t have access to the information on the tree or simply cannot identify it, a general rule of thumb is nothing within 20’ of the house. Even trees with a narrow form can still have HUGE roots protruding out 20-30 feet from the base. This can mess with water/gas lines or anything underground.
Are my trees leaning towards a target? If a tree is leaning in a huge field with open grass, fine. If a tree is leaning towards the beautiful house of your dreams you just purchased, run. This is a huge liability as storm damage usually is alot more expensive than taking the preventative measures on your trees to begin with. Please give us a call if you notice any of these symptoms and think you may be in need of tree pruning.
Do you notice any dead limbs or leaves? Dead limbs aren’t always a good indicator of the health of a tree. Some usually just need a good prune. However, it’s best to have tree pruning performed as soon as you see them as the health of the tree is under stress trying to repair the dead/broken limb. The more routine pruning on your tree is performed, the better.
Call us today for a completely FREE inspection by a certified Arborist!
(770) 554-9406