How Can You Tell If It's Time To Remove Your Tree?

Removing trees can be an uncomfortable situation especially if you’ve had them for a long period of time. However, when it gets to the point of the tree posing risks to your home, vehicles, or family, it is best to have a professional tree service remove the tree as quickly as possible.

But how do you know if it’s time to remove it or if a simple fertilization or prune will solve the problem?

A certified arborist is best suited to properly diagnose a dangerous tree. However, there are a few symptoms you may be able to identify yourself.

  • Peeling bark 

  • Mushrooms around the base 

  • Large cavities in the trunk 

  • Multiple dead branches 

  • Leaf drop 

  • Cracks in the trunk 

If you have noticed one or more of these symptoms on your tree it’s best to have a certified arborist come out for a free estimate to diagnose the tree.

Sometimes, a tree can show absolutely no symptoms of being dead or diseased, which is why it’s important to have a certified arborist properly assess the tree.

If your tree is full of dead or dying limbs or branches, a simple prune can usually bring the tree back to health properly.

If you’ve noticed significant leaf drop, a simple deep root fertilization performed by one of our certified arborist’s most likely will solve the problem as well.

However, a certified arborist can tell you whether pruning will prevent further damage or if it is in fact, time to remove your tree. 

Why should I hire a professional tree service instead of doing it myself? 

Performing a tree removal, especially in dead trees, can be extremely dangerous and oppose extreme risks to you, or any object around the tree.

It is important to hire a professional tree service with certified arborist to properly diagnose the tree first, then determine what type of equipment will be necessary to remove the dead tree. If the tree is in fact infested with some type of disease, fungus, or pest, it is important to remove the tree as quickly as possible to prevent further infestations of other trees nearby.

If you have concerns about your trees health, call North American Tree Service today using the link below for a free estimate by a certified arborist in Atlanta!

Call A Certified Arborist Now!

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